Redirecting Journeys
Rewriting Stories
Empowering Women
Empowering Communities
Empowering women to transform their lives and create self-sustainable communities
Core Values
About Us
Women of Will aims to transform the lives of disadvantaged women in Malaysia, their families and their communities. Through a micro-credit financing model combined with an Entrepreneurial Development Programme, we aim to equip these women with the skills and knowledge to develop and run sustainable businesses. Disadvantaged women are classified as single mothers, widows, abandoned or abused women, and women with incapacitated husbands living in poverty and uncertainty.
Women of Will was registered as a Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organisation with the Registrar of Societies Malaysia in March 2016. Supporting both international and national objectives in eradicating poverty, our efforts are focused on the bottom 40% household income (B40s). We prioritise single mothers as they are the most economically vulnerable, having to support themselves and their family. This falls in line with the Government’s 11th Malaysian Plan, which aims to uplift the lives of single mothers who make up 80% of single-parent families.
These women have been empowered to start their own small businesses and today, are financially independent and able to care for themselves and their families. Their business ventures have been developed to ensure that they continuously grow and remain sustainable and profitable in the long-run.
Social Impact Exchange Listing
WOW was listed on the Social Impact Exchange, set up by Agensi Inovasi Malaysia, a government statutory body. High performing SPOs are selected for listing and subjected to AIM quantifying and measuring the Social Impact of their work. These SPOs are also qualified as high performing on the basis of being able to tackle a social problem with 1.5 times or more of cost savings for similar government interventions.
In line with:
United Nation’s Global Sustainable Development Goals
WOW’s Programs support the United Nation’s Global Sustainable Development Goals which is the global blueprint to achieve a better and sustainable future for all. Here, WOW programs support 6 out of the 17 SDGs :
Goal 1 – No poverty
Goal 3 – Good health and well-being
Goal 5 – Gender equality
Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth
Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 17 – Partnership for the goals